"A cigar is as good as memories that you have when you smoked it."

A good cigar emphasizes the subjective and often nostalgic nature of cigar smoking. Many cigar enthusiasts associate specific cigars with memorable moments and experiences in their lives. Whether it's celebrating an achievement, bonding with friends, or simply taking time for relaxation, cigars can become intertwined with meaningful memories and emotions for those who enjoy them.


We procure some of the highest-quality cigars obtainable, with our extensive selection influenced by factors such as craftsmanship, taste, and overall quality.

Listen to a review of the 1502 XO. Enjoy!


We offer a vast selection of cigarettes to choose from at great prices.

Pipes & Tobacco

Pipes and tobacco are a reflection of tradition, craftsmanship, and personal taste. Whether you're a seasoned pipe smoker or someone curious about this age-old practice, the world of pipes and tobacco offers a rich and diverse landscape to explore.

Our collection offers a wide array of choices to select from.



We offer a variety of humidors tailored for the storage and upkeep of the optimal humidity level required for cigars. Maintaining the correct humidity is essential for safeguarding the flavor, aroma, and overall quality of your cigars.  We also offer a range of cigar lighters designed for the efficient and even lighting of cigars.

Our assortment provides a diverse range of options to choose from.

Tobacco' N Brew

2143 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA 96002

Call Us(530) 223-2049

Monday – Thursday:  9AM – 6PM
Friday:  9AM – 6:30PM
Saturday:  9AM – 6PM
Sunday: 9AM - 5PM